Resident Evil 7 – the scariest reality?
Scarily good
I received PlayStation VR as a Christmas present and finally thought I’d write in to share my experience after six months with the headset. Although it isn’t perfect it is very impressive, especially when you take into consideration the price. I imagine it will work even better with the inevitable PlayStation 5 release, which I’m sure will allow for higher resolution.
The first software I tried in the VR was Resident Evil 7’s Kitchen demo. The thing that immediately struck me was the incredible depth, it really felt as though I was sitting in the room strapped to the chair. Overall, I have been most impressed with Resident Evil 7, again the sense of depth is incredible, but also impressive is the fidelity of the visuals. The Star Wars X-wing missions was also very impressive, and handled the controls very well.
Resident Evil 7 played in err… reality, is plenty scary but with the VR headset it’s magnified. Not only have I jumped out of my seat several times, but I’ve also found myself gingerly moving through the game, terrified at what might be waiting around the corner (although I have a pretty good idea at what it will be due to the lack of enemy variety.)
Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood was a lot of fun, and was one of the more sensibly priced PlayStation VR games. On-rails shooters just seems like such a perfect fit for VR. With most of the movement being handled by the game it seems to reduce to potential for nausea, and holding the PlayStation Move controllers like guns just feels so natural. It also felt very accurate, I was even able to close one eye and aim down the iron sight – when I missed a shot I didn’t need to blame the game, like I did as a kid in the arcade when I felt the machine was just trying to steal my pocket money.
Isolated rumour
I went to see Alien: Covenant last night, which I thought was excellent – was really impressed with it.
It got me to thinking though, am I imagining things or was there talk of an Alien Isolation PlayStation VR edition a while back? Has this ever got off the ground or is this looking unlikely now?
It seems like a game that should fit VR perfectly well, although I imagine some bits could be a little vomit inducing but I’m sure you get over that with regular play. I would definitely like to see it in VR and play it over again like that, as I loved it when it came out.
Richard's not over yet
I’ve just finished my first play through of Resident Evil 7. It’s an excellent game that’s been elevated to one of the seminal gaming experiences I’ve ever had thanks to playing it in VR. I think I’m going to pick up the DLC as I’m keen for more. I believe there’s still a chunk of DLC yet to be released to accompany Banned Footage Vol. 1 and 2, is this right?
Only took me nine hours to complete the game on normal setting though, some replay value with Madhouse mode and Trophies but not much. So I still feel it was a bit much releasing DLC so close to the main game’s release. On the positive side, it’s a top notch game and the VR mode isn’t a paid for extra and is implemented brilliantly.
The main game can be picked up for £30 now and the DLC for £25. £55 in the current climate seems OK, and although I can’t comment on the DLC the main game, even with its shortish length is worth £30.
Simundo Jones.
Simundo Jones.
whoever wins, we lose
Timmy Mallet vs. Keith Chegwin on Tekken 7 at Comic Con. Some dubiety exists as to who won. A quick check of the Twitter feeds has Chegwin posting about himself, ‘getting ready to beat Timmy Mallet’ along with a picture. However, Mallet thereafter reposts Chegwin’s post stating, ‘Except I am victorious!’ I’m with Mallet on this one.
His hand-eye coordination during the word association game Mallet’s Mallet, and his quickness of mind whilst dealing with the often unpredictable Pinky Punky makes me think he would easily overcome Chegwin.
Also, Chegwin for me is just the sort of chap who would post something as ambiguous as, ‘getting ready to beat…’, which gives the inference that he actually went on to win when in fact he didn’t.
I hope this clears this up.
I hope this clears this up.
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